Oct 02, 2024
Jim Marshall
Author of The American Tailwind

Synopsis: The American Tailwind was inspired by a quote from Warren Buffett, “I had great parents, I had good health, and I was born in the United States of America.” Part One dives into Warren Buffett’s lineage and how it impacted the man he would become and the business he built. The authors expound on the teachings of Warren Buffett by attending the Berkshire Hathaway Annual Shareholder meetings in Omaha, Nebraska, over the last 18 consecutive years. The authors then relate the information learned from Warren Buffett to their personal upbringing, along with sharing the grit of their own family lineage. Part Two details the importance of honoring our American soldiers. The authors explore the leadership skills of Generals Washington, Grant, and Patton; along with sharing over 60 stories, over six generations, of American soldiers related to their employees and/or spouses. “It is beyond arrogance for American businesses or individuals to boast that they have ‘done it alone’. The tidy rows of simple white crosses at Normandy should shame those who make such claims.” – Warren Buffett Learn more: https://www.theamericantailwind.com/
